Wedding Photography on the London Eye (Millennium Wheel)
The London Eye in lies on the South Bank in SE1 and is one of the more modern venues where I have photographed a wedding. Located close to Embankment Underground and a short walk from Westminster Bridge, it is very much a part of the tourist trail. The Eye is reportedly the most-visited paid tourist attraction in the UK.
The Eye’s history is short but complicated, so I won’t go into it here. London Eye’s other name, Millennium Wheel, might give a bit of a clue as to how old it is though. Over the years it has been sponsored by British Airways, EDF Energy and currently by Coca-Cola.
I have shot several weddings and civil partnerships on the London Eye. My first time on the Eye was for a Civil Partnership Ceremony. The day started with me waiting opposite the Eye for the wedding party… big mistake! Never arrange to meet anyone outside the London Eye on a Saturday as you may never meet. Thank Heaven for mobile phones!
The Riverside Building opposite is the organised meeting point for couples getting married on the London Eye. The couple meets with the dedicated wedding planner who runs through the plan whilst the guests can have a drink. The registrars also meet here. From there, the planner takes the party across to the wheel where they are ‘fast-tracked’ on to a private capsule. Each capsule holds about 20 with extra pods available to hire if necessary.
Shooting a Wedding on the London Eye
In the pod, London Eye staff serve champagne and drinks, and the registrar conducts the ceremony. I have ample space to move around to get all the required shots. Everything regarding the wedding ceremony on the London Eye is precisely as in a register office. The registrars conduct the ceremony and signing as usual. The only issue facing a photographer is that the couple generally have the light behind them, which I can easily work around.
Following on from the official duties, I take the group and reportage shots. The views are breathtaking. With some creative shooting, the photographer will incorporate them into the wedding photographs with good effect. Your photographer now has lots of scope for some natural shots as the Eye completes two revolutions.
The London Eye welcomes LGBT/gay weddings, and I have photographed a couple of them over the years (see bottom photos).
Read More>> Build Your Own London Wedding Photography Package.
Coca-Cola London Eye,
Riverside Building,
County Hall,
Westminster Bridge Road,
SE1 7PB.